Week 19 Day 6

Today began slowly.  I was tired from lack of sleep all week,  tired from being up late last night and tired from the wine and beer.  Not hung over, tired and feeling slow.  I slowly ate breakfast, I slowly helped pack our company’s car with bags and bikes,  I slowly went back to bed and slept another hour.

I got up and still felt slow.  I had not exercised yet and I was already looking to eat some lunch.  My wife and I decided we would eat luch while watching a tv show we recorded and would go for a hike today as our activity.    We decided on a local trail system near the Potomac River that was heavily shaded.  That was important as it was very humid and the temperture today was going to be in the high 80’s.   I bought a new cell phone and decided to try it out on this hike.  The quality is better.   I can see my Honey Bunny much better.

We hiked for 87 minutes and I was sweating  by the gallons.  I guess the wine and beer had really rocked my body.  I was breathing harder and sweating more than I was expecting.  It is a good think I don’t have company over more often!  After getting home and showered I felt like myself again.  It was good.  Before we knew it dinner was calling and we had a desire for salmon.  I pan cooked the salmon and in a seperate pan cooked a potato that I cut into small cubes, a whole eggplant cut into larger cubes, 2 cans of fire roasted tomatoes, garlic powder, salt, pepper, cumin, chili powder and paprika.

The dinner was good and later in the evening I had some rainbow sherbet as dessert.  Of all the evil dessert choices we could have made sherbet seemed like not such a bad choice.  It is light, cold and sweet, just like most desserts are.  It is also only 110 calories a serving.


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