Week 22 Day 1

Happy 4th of July!

This morning my wife and I went out for a little jog.  We went to a local park and did a loop in 16 minutes.  So this was not a major workout but we wanted to get back for the local parade through our neighborhood.

Some of the kids and parents went all out with decorations and the parade ended at a park with a picnic/BBQ  and moon bounce for the kids tp play on.  Fun for all.

Once the parade was done we had some erronds to run and a neighborhood bike ride to enjoy.  We went out for 45 minutes and  zig zagged through the streets a block at a time.  It was an activity but it was also leizurely.

It was dinner time before we knew it and went with the BBQ theme.  We had turkey burgers, turkey hotdogs, chicken sausage, baked beans, corn on the cob and fruit as a make your own fruit salad.  I took it easy with the buns and only had one on my burger, the hotdog and sausage I ate with just some ketchup and musturd.

The night is not over yet as we plan to ride our bikes to see the fireworks in DC.  We are looking at another 30 to 45 minutes of bike riding before the night is out.



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