Week 25 Day 4

Oh no I feel sick today!  So I get up and struggle to get to the gym.  I am feeling really worn out and exhausted.  I decide I need to do something but I just don’t have the energy.  I took the easy way out and did 50 minutes on the elliptical stepper machine.  I divided up the time between stepping like a stair master and moving like a standard elliptical machine.  I started to get a slight sweat and I was breathing a little bit harder than at rest but it was not a great workout.  I got home, ate some breakfast and realized I was not going to make it through the work day so I had to call in.  I skipped the morning shower since I did not really sweat and climbed back into bed for another 3 hours of sleep.  It was weird feeling so tired.  It was like when I was in school and stayed up all night finishing a term paper.  I was tapped out, done, I even heard the fat lady sing!  But the extra sleep rejuvenated me and I was feeling better.  To keep the resting going I watched some TV on the couch.  eventually it was after 4pm and I got my sorry butt off the couch and went to the gym to lift.  I really wanted nothing more than more couch time but hey I needed to exercise again.I went straight to the assisted pull-up machine and did a warm up set the set it to 55 lbs assisted and was able to do 3 pull-ups!  That is 2 more than I was able to do last time!

Assisted pull-ups

leg press

bench press

incline bench press ( I have not done these in about a year!)

leg extensions


No to bad of a workout despite being off physically.

As for my foods,  I was a pig.  I ate 2,437 calories.   It might not be real bad but it is still up from where I want to be and I did



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