Week 5 Day 5

What a great day it was.   I was feeling good all day from my extra weights workout yesterday.  Definately a little sore but not like I over did it.  I was a pound heavy this morning which I suspect is from the middle eastern food.  I get the veggie combo platter.  Chick peas, lentels, mixed veggies (sometimes has potatoes in it), white rice and afgan bread, all which are a bit carbs heavy.  I don’t eat it all in one sitting, and I put it over a big bed of lettuce, but it is what it is.    Today I had the second half of my dinner as a morning break meal and lunch meal.  Today I was also carb heavy and calorie heavy for the day.  My total carbs were 2742.  I will be hitting Bally’s tomorrow to start my day and I might add some additional cardio to offset my meals.  The middle eastern food is a guilty pleasure of mine.   In the past I looked at it as a healthy choice since it was loaded with veggies, but now as I plug in the food items into my nutrition tracker I see what the full story is.  I need to skip the bread (I only eat half)  and I need to skip half the rice.   because of the spicyness I drink more water too so some of the pound might be water weight too.

The day was mostly uneventful.  Since there is a chance I will not be getting my normal gym time in I have found a partial solution.  I scored some free Weights and bars on Craigslist.   I picked them up tonight.  There were the concrete in plastic type with the hollow bars but the price was right.  I already have a standard set with weights as well as a olympic set (that is at my neighbor’s house).   My goal is to set up the new free one with weight set for a few  exercises (overhead press/bent over rows/curls)  that use close weight and have my better standard bar for squats and deadlifts.    I did not relize how expensive the weight plates have become.  I guess the materials are in demand because of the wars,  but more than a dollar a pound?? WOW.  I will keep my eyes out on craigslist for some more deals.

My wife gave me a compliment today.  I took it as a compliment.  She commented on me evaluating what I wanted to eat for dinner based on my protein/carbs/fat ratio.  I don’t even remember the words she said, but it was something to the effect of  “it is amazing to hear you talk about your nutrition and what your body needs to eat…”   I guess that is what the habbits and rituals of making healthy choices will do for a person.   I use The Daily Plate  on livestrong.com to keep track of my nutrition and exercise for the day and have an app for my phone to allow me to keep track even when I am not near a computer.   I believe this is going to come in handy while I am working on the construction sites for the couple months that it is projected I will be there.

I hope to get back on the ball with documenting my meals better here, especially with more pictures.   I also hope someone will stumble across this blog and say to themselves, hey Joe is doing that , and you know what,  I can too!  Whether it is eating better, exercising some or more or just doing more active things rather than sitting in from of the

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