Week 50 Day 5

Happy Friday!

Today was a great day for many reasons.  First off I had a great morning workout.  I spent an hour on the treadmill as two 30 minute periods with a couple minute bathroom break at the 30 minute mark.  Who knew all the bouncing would cause such a need to drop a biscuit!

So I did 5.37 miles in the hour on the treadmill.  That is not fast, but it is awesome that I could do it since I have not been doing longer runs over 3 miles.  I had to do some grocery shopping after the gym, the shower and eat some breakfast.  Since I was up early I was way ahead of my day today.  I decided to head to a museum to get some culture.  I arrived in Fairfax and heading into the NRA Firearms Museum.   What a place.  They rotate different collections through their displays.    Before you go thinking big deal they are guns, let me tell you, they are so much more than that.  They are windows into our US history.  Snapshots in time from different wars and conflicts America was involved in from colonial times up to the present.  Besides history they are works of art.  Some of the details on the pistols and rifles were so ornate.  There were some inlaid with gold and silver.  There were pearl and ivory hand grips with fine etchings in them, there were hand engraved masterpieces worthy of any museum.   The museum also covered the entertainment industry.  Famous movie and TV show guns were there on exhibit.  My favorite was the Tom Sellect (Magnum P.I.) display pieces.  Tom received a 3 pistol matched set from Colt in a beautiful case.  He has it on loan to the Museum.

Here are some of my other favorites, unfortunately me cell phone did not capture the detailing on the pistols as seen in person.  In many of the shots the guns do not have the awe inspiring presence that they do in person.

It was a pleasure to revisit this treasure.

I headed home, had some lunch and then watched some TV.  Before I knew it I was heading the gym for some weight lifting.  There was something about today.  During my bench pressing I lifted 235 lbs.  That is the most I have pressed since losing the 90 lbs.  That was cool.  I was having a strong day today because while doing leg presses I lifted 720 lbs!  That ties the most I have ever done in my life.  I usually don’t do more than 540 lbs, but 720 was impressive.

My day ended with a chicken thigh based nacho chip platter for dinner.  It hit the spot.  Before I knew it it was time for bed,  good night!




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