Y2W2 Day 3

“I can’t seem to face up the facts,  I get so nervous, I can’t relax…”

Today was a bad day for eating and exercise.  Also for mental stress!   Businesses come and go, there are booms and busts.  I was in a construction based Information Technology field.  One that has treated me very well over the years.  But like the steel industry, automotive industry, pager industry, horse drawn buggy industry, things may never be the same.    I have less than 10 weeks unemployment coming my way.  It is time to lower my standards, look outside what I want to do and where I want to do it,  it is time to set the bar low and find any job.  It does not need to be one I like or one I plan to stay in,  but I need one.  The sad thing is I will still be competing with hundreds of other applicants doing the same thing.   I am too old to go into the National Guard and learn a new trade on someone else’s dime.  I don’t want to spend thousands of dollars and take months to learn new skills that will still have me competing for entry level jobs that require no training.

OK pity party over!

20 min jog
20 min elliptical machine
20 min bike

42 minutes of weight lifting

Today was an epic day of pigging out. I counted no calories because I knew I was being bad and did not want to know. I even had some wine while making dinner. Tomorrow morning’s workout is going to be scary.


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