Y2W11 Day 1

Today I jogged 6 miles to start out me day.  It felt good to do it.  I needed to do it.  So, I did it, and I’ll do it again!

I pedaled into work also for some bonus cardio.  The day was expected to hit high 80’s so I brought in some shorts and a t-shirt to wear on the way  home.  I was smart and pedaled straight to the gym and did some weight lifting.  I did incline bench press, bench press and seated shoulder presses.  It felt good.  I wanted to do some leg presses but did not since my  right knee is still not 100%.  I am good to go for running and that is more important to me than leg pressing a bunch of weight.

Dinner tonight was a favorite, STEAK!  I cooked some spina

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