Y2W41 Day 7

We went for a hike!

Today was a chilly day but we decided to head out for a hike anyway.  We have been to the place  a few times before but never during this season.  It was wild getting to see through the trees!  The swampy wetlands were not too tall to see across either so that was a plus.  Of course the cold temps kept the turtles and fish away, but we did get to see geese, ducks and many other little birds.  This part was all good!

We took a trail that is not an official trail, but one that is well worn and used. While out pretty far a guy came by jogging with his dog off leash. We don’t have a problem with that. He told us his dog never bit anyone so we felt OK with that too. They were gone before we knew it. We went a little bit farther then stopped for some lunch. There were many trees down from Sandy so we sat on one and enjoyed our wraps.

I spotted a really cool looking “star” while walking!

While in the marsh area we saw a beaver’s home.  He decided the sitting bench should be incorporated into his structure, so it was.

Now for the bad…

We got attacked by a dog today.  The dog from earlier.  The dog that was off his leash and never bites anyone.  We were walking back totally unaware are the beast rushed us from behind.  It got Miriam first causing her to scream a paniced scream. My heart raced as I turned not knowing what happened only to have the viciousness come my way.  I started reaching for my pistol not knowing what was happening as it happened so fast.  The dog then ran a short distance away and turned to face us again.  He charged and got Miriam in the hand, and we laughed and laughed.  The little pug was having a field day with us.  This little guy was too afraid to pass us when his owner jogged by.  We needed to step off the trail and turn our backs to him just so he could feel safe getting by and now he attacked!  Turns out he has a thing for gloves and wanted to bite our hands because we were wearing gloves.  I reached down and rough housed with him like I used to with Spike and the “gloves of torture”.  We all had fun and got a good laugh out of how he did startle us and scare us initially.  It could have been a real animal attack and we would have been in trouble.  We never heard him charging on the leaves.  I am glad I did not pull the gun on the dog.  He was harmless.  We had a nice chat with his owner about jogging ( I was wearing my Army Ten Miler cap).  What a great day!

For dinner I made a pizza with a whole wheat crust.  It was yummy!




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