Week 13 Day 2

Today was a crash day.    I was stiff, sore, tired and not feeling like conquering the world.   Today was supposed to be a rainy day but it turned out to be nice into the afternoon.  We went for a 2 mile hike to see some waterfalls and the trail was great and the water falls were cool.  I was just in a funk.  I was dragging my feet and feeling really slow and out of energy.   We did some local shopping and walking from store to store but in general it was a very leisurely pace.  We got back to the cabin before the rain started and I tried to take a nap but could not sleep much with the cat jumping on my repeatedly.

TV and the couch was in order.  We ate pretty well but I was higher on calories with some snacks of pretzels and peanut butter and apple.  Total calories were 2,562.   That plus less activity might mean bad things on the scale.  Tomorrow we plan to get up early and go back to the waterfall area and jog the trail.   I hope tomorrow will be a better day.

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4 Responses to Week 13 Day 2

  1. Billy says:

    Way to go, Joe! Keep up the great work. I’ll bet you are motivating people that you aren’t even aware of. I’m sure you have started on the new clothes because of the drastic weight change. I’m glad I don’t have that problem. I still have clothes from high school. Today I wore the silk, ruffled shirt, skin-tight hipsters and my high heels with the fish in them. I’m also growing my hair out again like in high school. I think I have a shot at bringing back the afro again. I won’t discuss my swimsuit. Take care, bud!

  2. Lucky's Mom says:

    When I read the recent comments, all the while I thought Billie was a guy.

  3. Billy says:

    Who ever said I was a guy? If I remember correctly, Aretha had the afro thing going on!

  4. Billy says:

    WOW, Joe! Unbelievable! I can almost guarantee that you are under 300 lbs. if you weighed yourself in the evening. The best way to get a true measure is to weigh yourself in the morning after you have woken up and had a cup or 2 of coffee. This will usually lead to a trip to the bathroom. Directly after dropping a log and spraying down the porcelain throne with a golden shower, weigh yourself immediately. Way to go, buddy. It’s going to start melting off you now! Take care, bud.

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