Week 13 Day 3

What a start to the day.  We decided to return to where we walked along waterfalls and did a jog.   We parked further away than yesterday and jogged further than we walked to see the falls.  We jogged 55 minutes and went at least 3 miles.  All up hill on the way out and all down hill on the way back.   It was great to do that.

We ate breakfast in town and I pigged out with biscuits and sausage gravy plus some scrambled eggs with cheese.  It was about 1,000 calories for that meal.  I should not have done that but it was good and I really had a craving for it.  In the end I was OK with the calories,  I totalled 2,323 calories.

Another highlight of the day was a small walk through an Island Park in Cherokee NC.  There were some ducks that came to greet us as we had a snack.   Some of our snack “may”  have fallen to the ground for the ducks.  They loved it.   To get there we rode the motorcycle and cruised around some and found where we will hike tomorrow.  We found an area called the “road to nowhere, a promise broken”.     A legal batter is still ongoing over this area and there are miles of hiking trails to get you around.  We plan to do some exploring.

Today I skipped my PM weights workout.    I was physically beat and did not have it in me.  One big difference I know is that we are on the go from early in the day to later in the evening compared to at home where I get my PM workout in early enough in the day to not be so tired.  I will get to bed earlier and hit the weights in the AM before the hike.  I can’t wait to add the pictures to these pages to show what it was like here.

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