Week 19 Day 4

Today was a take it easier kind of day.    My morning workout was low impact.  I did 15 minutes each on the elliptical stepper, the bike and the elliptical machine.  I also did 3 sets of crunches.

Work was an easier pace also.  I worked steady but did not have to break a sweat today and that was nice.

After work I hit the gym and did 30 minutes on the elliptical machine for some bonus low impact cardio.  It felt good but I missed the jogging.  Good thing tomorrow morning will be a run day!

My eating was off today.  My breakfast was good and so were my 2 break snacks but lunch today was the left over pasta, ricotta cheeses and sauce   joined with some cantelope and a grapefruit.  It was a heavier meal and a higher calorie one.  In itself that would not have been terrible but I had a middle easten meal for dinner.  It was a little over 1,100 calories just for the dinner.  My total calories for the day were a high 2,501 calories.  I will need to tighten up tomorrw during the day since we are having company over for a family meal and it might be a high one as well.

That’s it for today

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