Week 3 Day 1

Today was a day off with it being Presidents Day.   I was not sure what I was going to do today for exercise since the weather was looking to be bad.  My goal was to do a bike ride through the neighborhood but that was not to be.    I really wanted to go to the gym but with the post closed I did not have that as an option.  Then I remembered  I do have a membership at Bally’s that I never use,  so  off to Bally’s I went.  I checked my weight and was happy to see I lost more weight, but since this is not my regular scale I don’t know if it is exact.

If the scale is right then I am down 14 pounds so far!  I like it!   Seeing the scale really motivated me to do something different this morning.  I decided to do 90 minutes of cardio instead of 60 minutes.  I walked the treadmill at incline for 30 minutes, did and eliptical cross trainer for 30 minutes, then a lower body eliptical machine for 30 minutes.  I felt good and was even thinking of doing 30 more minute just to be crazy with the exercising but thought better of it.   I do not want to be too sore tomorrow.   Breakfast and breaks went as usual.   for Dinner we did ground turkey cooked with shredded cabbage and cherry tomatoes, and I also made curry lentels to go with it.  We took lettuce leaves and scooped some of the turkey mix with the lentels and rolled them up and ate them that way.  After dinner I had some ricotta cheese with sliced strawberries and drizzled some honey on top.   All of it tasted great and I have some left over for tomorrow’s lunch.

      The only thing left to do is document my pictures without my shirt.

That does it for me tonight, I’m beat and look foward to tomorrow!

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