Week 49 Day 2

Two for Tuesday!

20 min aerobics with dumbbells
40 min elliptical machine

60 min on elliptical stepper (50% max worked up to 100% max of machine)

Meals were good today. I baked a chicken and made a stuffing for it filled with onions, mushrooms, spinach, carrots, celery, apple and whole wheat bread. It was amazing! I also steamed some broccoli to go with it.

And now for the two for Tuesday part…. I got a call from the agency to see if I would be willing to work for the same company that wants me to work in Arlington, but now in Sterling VA.  There seems to be some delay in the Arlington job and this will get me some pay checks sooner and it is with the same company so I figure I should do it as long as the money is the same.  I could be working this Friday!  Of course until paperwork is signed…..

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