Y2W7 Day 2

Today was a better day.  We started our day with a 3 mile job for cardio.  We did well and have been averaging 11 minute miles.  That is not fast but with hills and needing to wait at a couple lights  to cross the streets we are OK with it.  We are a funny pair when it comes to jogging.  I like to start fast knowing I will slow down as I get tired.  I may not even realize I am doing it but that is how I am.  My wife likes to start out slow and build up her speed.  She does that because she occasionally has her knee feel funny and that is a way for her to warm it up. So anyway we are comfortably doing 3 miles as a starter run.  Last year we had to work up to this level.  That is pretty wild to think about.

Today I drove into work instead of biking in due to the rains and fear of thunder storms and down pours.  I would have been fine.  the rains had stopped prior to me leaving and did not start again the rest of the day.  No biggie.  I did end up having the energy to go to the gym once I got home and lifted weights plus got 20 more minutes of cardio in.  I feel good!

Now that I am back to work I am eating better during the day but I am also fiending for food once I get home.  It is getting easier and I expect I will see the pounds dropping on the scale soon.

Dinner tonight was chicken things, asparagus and tortellini with Alfredo sauce.  It rocked.  We are making a real effort to prep food more often since we are both getting home later.  It makes making meals easier when some of it is already done.  Sorry, I forgot to take a picture of it, but trust me it was good.

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