Week 9 Day 6

It felt geat to sleep in today.  I was up later than normal but it did not matter,  I got more than 7.5 hours of sleep!  It showed at the gym this morning too.   I was able to jog 2 miles straight and did it in 25:30.  I then walked the remaining 4:30 at 3.2 mph.   I moved to a lower body elliptical machine.  This one at Bally’s is more intense than the one at work.  Better elliptical strides and higher ellevation changes with range of motion.  I did another 30 minutes and called it quits.  I was still soaked in sweat when I got home.

I think science should come up with a sweat index to tie into other forms of measuring exercise effort.   That would be something.  I should apply to the National Science Foundation and see if I can get some grant money for this important work.   Yep, years later I can refine it to include smell!  OK back to reality.  It was a good workout. 

I was pretty hungry when I got home but decided to shower first since I did stink and felt funky.    My weekend breakfasts always seem to be outside my normal stuff since I have the time to cook it fresh and enjoy it.  I decided to chop some onion, green pepper, feta cheese,  and Turkey sausage crumbles and add them all to a pan.

I scrambled 3 whole eggs and poured them into the pan as well.   I can’t call it an omlet since there were more veggies and stuff than there were eggs, but you get the idea.  I squirted some ketchup on the side once I plated my meal.  This all totalled 441 calories.  Not bad.

I relaxed until after lunch then ran some errands.   I got most of what I needed to do taken care of then joined the family to help with some other stuff.  It was 6 pm when I finally got home and decided I wanted to do some lifting before I ate dinner.  It was meant to be a light workout and I only did 25 minutes.





Overhead press from the ground


overhead press from chest


bent over rows



I felt my muscles worked some but it was not too intense.  That was fine since this was a bonus workout.  I am not trying to get a full one in.  If I was I would have gone to the gym.   I got inside and my wife had returned with dinner.  Subway sandwiches.  It is the weekend, and we did not feel like cooking or going out.  I had a chicken breast foot long with lettuce, tomato, green pepper, black olives and hot pepper topped with vinegar.  It hit the spot.  No chips or soda!   I feel good and ended up coming in at 1,720 calories for the day.   That is lower than my daily calorie goal, but I did not have a hard afternoon workout so this seems like an ok amount to have eaten.   I usually tend to weigh heavy on Mondays letting me know the lighter workouts are not burning as much calories for me as I may have though.  Weight fluxuations are fine as long as the total weight is trending down. 

A friend of mine is looking to try and follow what I have been doing here.  He is going to look at the diet side of things and see where he can tighten up.   I have emailed him some information and suggestions and I hope to here from him soon that he is underway with losing weight too.     Another day is complete, and I feel

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