Week 18 Day 2

Where to start?  I went to the gym this morning and decided on a low impact cardio session since jogging with my wife the morning before and jogging during my PM workout yesterday.  I used the elliptical stepper machine.  The thing is neat.  you can do stair stepper motions or elliptical stepper motions and vary the shape of the elliptical foot travel as you go.  I did 45 minutes and felt OK with the workout.  I was running a bit late or I would have done it for a little longer.

I made it through another day of work.  There were funny times and frustrating times, just like anywhere else.  I have been fortunate to be working solo  for most of my time on the site so I only had to worry about me and my work vs. having to worry about what the temporary employees are doing.Once I set up my work area I can jam with my ipod and punch down the closets.   This has been a nice change of pace for me.  I am also more active on this site and that is a good thing for me too.

After work I hit the gym for a weight lifting session.  Here is what I did:

Assisted pull ups


Bench press

hammer strength shoulder press with a 45lb plate on each side

leg extensions

Triceps curl downs with rope

I also was lucky enough to be invited to pay a bonus amount for parking owed to my county as a thanks for not paying to park in the first place.  Yep a 35 dollar ticket.  I earned it.  I have not paid more than once we going to my one gym.  It is street parking with pay stations, nit even real meters.   I am not even sure how many times I have gotten away with it but I got busted this time.  Oh well.

For the most part I ate well today.  I can in high on calories,  I consumed 2,511 calories for the day.  I know where I went a little crazy.  I had white rice twice today and that added up.  I also had a nature valley peanut butter granola bar instead of a special K bar.  That right there is about 400 calories extra.  I really wanted the peanut butter granola bar so I feel no guilt there.  I should have skipped the rice with dinner since I did have a hamburger bun with my double stack turkey burger tonight.   Tomorrow morning is a run morning outside so I will see if I can push it more and maybe get some of those calories burned.

Good news from an online friend—-She has been dieting and has lost 18 pounds in a month!  You go Brandy!

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