Week 19 day 1

Today started out with a great jog with my wife.  We did 3.3 miles and there were some hills mixed in as a bonus.  I really needed a bathroom break half way through but there was nothing I could do but jog on till I got home.    I ended up being slower than I could have been but I was feeling some stomach cramps  so there was no reason to strain myself.   It is funny only a few months back I could not even think of jogging and here it is I am doing multiple miles.   That rocks.

Work was an easier day, no ladder work and not too much walking around.  I appreciate an easier day every now and then.

After work I did a garage lifting workout.  I am calling it the Terrible Two’s.  I did 2 sets of an exercise or muscle group then modified the exercise and did 2 more sets.  I feel like I workout out and my muscles we pushed in some new ways.  Here is what I did:

Double overhead press starting with the bar on the ground, lifting overhead, back to shoulders than back over head then down to the floor for a repetition.

overhead press starting from ground

shoulder press


bar in front squats

body weight deep squats

ez-bar curls with 50lbs

35lb dumbbell concentration curls each arm

chin-up pull downs on lat machine

Triceps curl over head with ez-bar and 50 lbs

triceps curls/extensions over head 35lbs dumbbell

That kicked my ass! But it was good.

I ate well today and felt good for it. I consumed 2,343 calories which is slightly higher than desired but still I feel good. I ate so much fruit today. I had 2 bananas, an apple, cherries, a grapefruit, watermelon and cantelope. Dinner was my favorite. I had steak, pan roasted red peppers and yellow squash. It was delicious!

At this point I already ate one piece of steak.

I ran into a buddy I knew from work and he was amazing at my weight loss so far.  He is an inspirational transformation story himself.  He was on the heavy side and is now slim and muscular through diet and exercise.  Gerald is the man!

Not much else to say,  other than I look forward to tomorrow.

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