Week 21 Day 5

The Good,  the Bad and the Ugly,   what kind of day did you have?

This morning was all good.  I ran my fasted mile yet, 9:26.  It was tough and a maximun effort to do it but I did it.  I finished up with 20 minutes on the elliptical machine and 15 minutes on the bike.  I wa riding a runner’s high with my new fast time.

Work was OK   but dipped into the Bad.  There are folks “working overtime” everyday clocking extra hours, but the funny thing is they are getting to work either later than me and leaving the same time or are getting in earlier than me but are leaving much earlier than me.  Funny hour my 40 hours worked has me on the jobsite longer than some folks doing 50 to 60 hours in the same week.  I guess I never was good at math.  This pratice has caught the attention of our manager and he gave a dire warning of what may happen if folks get caught.  Folks will get what the deserve,  and that is BAD!

Now for the ugly.  I ate too much today.  I consumed 2,450 calories.  Too much.  What is worse is that I had a bunch of carbs today like pasta salad and baked beans, plus all the fruit.    The scale is not going to be kind next time we meet.

More Good,  I had a great afternoon workout.  It was weights intensive and got my muscles sore so I know it was a good one.  Here is what I did:

Assisted pull-ups

Assisted dips

Bench Press 135lbs

EZ-Bar curls with 50 lbs

Dumbbell dead lifts

Triceps cable curls

Leg presses

And that did me in. I was done and headed home. A shower and some dinner had me feeling right. If only I did not eat so much! UGLY!


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