Week 21 Day 6

The early bird may get the worm, but it is the second mouse that gets the cheese!

The three day holiday weekend is here!  What’s not to love when the waether is great and you have an extra day to enjoy yourself?  And fireworks,  how can you not get excited about fireworks.  And for you folks out there in rural NJ be carefull out there, those things are dangerous!

Today my wife and I decided on some out of the ordinary cardio for our early workout.  My wife has been after me to go kayaking and today was the day.  We went out for 2 hours and I was really hurting from the upper body workout the day before.  Just holding the paddal up at some points was causing some really good muscle burn.  It was great though, we saw 2 blue herron, fish, ducks with ducklings, turtles, an otter.    It is always great to see nature.

The two hours flew by but I knew I was done long before that. My back was sore before we set out and my workout yesterday was more intense than I thought so paddling really was an effort.

We got back and went on with our day.  We had subway for lunch  and headed home for some tv relaxing time.  After an hour I went to the gym to get some more cardio in.  Before I started I got on the scale to see how bad things were.  I was heavy all week from carbs in my lunches and dinners and weighed in 2.5 pounds heavy on a day I really felt light so I was expecting the worst.

Go figure, on a day I felt heavy I was light.hey I’ll take it, that is my new low weight number.I am now 72.6 pounds down.  Hey I will take it.

My nutrition for the day was pretty good.  I consumed 2,258 calories for the day.  No surprise dinner was the highlight.  We mad a chicken fajita style dinner with chicken breast, garlic chunks, onion, portobello mushrooms, yellow and red peppers, low fat sour cream and tortilla wraps.  Dinner was a little under 900 calories by itself but it was filling  and nutritious.  My wife wanted to alter the meal and added Toboule onto large lettuce leaves and added the chicken fajita mix on top skipping the tortilla wraps.

All this and I still have the next two days off to enjoy!

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