Week 24 Day 3

The alarm rang way too early this morning.  I think I got about 5.5 hours of sleep.  Our family is heading home today so tonight should be a good night of sleep.   Well I got out of bed and made my way to the gym and jogged 4 miles in 46 minutes.  That is slow but I was not trying for a fast pace, just a comfortable working a good sweat jog.

I got home, ate, showered and made it to work ready for more time on ladders pulling cable.  I feel like I worked some muscles pretty good but some of it may have been the weight lifting the night before.  I brought my gym clothes so I was able to hit the gym on the way home from work and stepped on the scale to see I was holding at 78 pounds down.  Disappointing I did not drop another pound but my rest has been off with family at our house so I hope this weekend I will see a lower number.  I chose to use the elliptical trainer for 35 minutes to get  more cardio in.  I felt good but not great.  I did workout up to level 18 on the elliptical trainer which is a lot for me.

All in all today was a pretty good day.  I ate about 2,400 calories  and was active all day.  I am looking to the weekend and thinking about a long jog.  I might want to try a 10 mile one.  I know I can finish it but I bet my time will be way slow.  I will have to keep an

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