Y2W1 Day 4

Winning isn’t everything, but it sure is better than losing!

9 min mile jog
50 min elliptical machine

10:30 min mile jog
40 min elliptical machine

Today was a pretty good day. I got my gym time in and I made it to the range to try out my Kel-tec P32. It surprized me with the snappy kick. It is really light and has a small recoil spring so I should not be surprized. I like it and it is a keeper, but not one I will shoot a lot of rounds through at the range as it does get uncomfortable after a while.

Today was a great day for eating but a poor day for nutrition. Dinner was not totally evil but it was not my normal better balanced meals either. I made a veggie chili and added the left over ground turkey taco meat and cooked some Hebrew National reduced fat beef hotdogs. I had 3 with buns and that was a lot of carbs for one meal plus I was carb heavy for the day already. Tomorrow I will suffer! Here is what my “dinner of gas production” or “dinner of diet destruction” looked like.


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