Week 8 Day 6

I am on my journey.  I am doing it.  I am losing weight and getting in shape.  Along the way I have freinds, family and strangers rooting for me, encouraging me and some quietly watching to see if I can do it or not.   I don’t post their names here.   If they ask me to include them I will, but out of repect for their privacy I will not include their names unless asked to.   Today I had a chance to hang out with a buddy I know from work.   To keep his identity safe I will refer to him as either Mr. S. Wesson  or Billy Bullseye.   I think that would be appropriete since he keeps things on target and doesn’t go off half cocked and cause trouble.   Mr. Bullseye, way to go today.   You sir have outdone me at my own game. Bravo.  Which ever choices you make will be the right one for the budget and application.    For eveyone that has no idea what I am talking about, consider it an inside joke.

Today was a great day all around.  I had another breakthrough at the gym.  I jogged 3 miles continuous at 4.6 mph.   I now know I am ready to jog with my wife in the mornings when the weather allows.   I also ended my day with some garage weight lifting.   Here is that breakdown.

Overhead presses starting from the floor




barbell curls


lateral raises


bent over rows


lat pull downs


This was not meant to be a full blown weight lifting session, just a get the muscles pumping some and get off the couch and do something kind of thing.   Say that ten times fast!  I dare you!

So far today I only ate 2 meals and a snack so I am due for a little more nutrition but don’t feel hungry.  I can’t post final calorie count for today but so far I consumed 1,667 calories.  I am going to get it closer to 2,000 before  I go to bed.    If I remeber I will update the calorie count tomorrow or right before I go to bed.  

And here is a parting thought from Jesse “the Body” Ventura, WWF wrestling legend   “Win if you can, Lose if you must, BUT ALWAYS CHEAT”.

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