Week 11 Day 1

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…

I got on the scale today and it was not kind at all.

I gained almost 5 pounds.  Bummer.  It had some to do with my eating and a lot to do with not hitting the gym Saturday or Sunday.  Hey what can you do.  Back to back travel days of 5+ hours in the car to get someplace where you get back in the car for another 1.5 hours of driving, then once done drive another 1.5 hours.  Get up the next morning at 5am and drive 5+ hours back home.  There were terrible rain storms that knocked out the power all night.  No way to hike for calorie burning, and it was too late and dark by the time we got home anyway.

So I am heavier.  I pushed it some in the gym.  I did 30 minutes on the stair stepper and got a good sweat going.  I then continued on the lower body elliptical machine.  I worked my day and was back in the gym before I knew it.  I got on the treadmill and jogged my mile to warm-up.  It was tough but felt good to get moving.  My buddy had stuff to do today so I was alone to go my pace and do whatever exercises I felt like doing.  Not like he does not roll with my plan anyway,  but sometimes going it alone helps fortify your resolve to accomplish what you set out to do.  Here is the weight lifting I did today.

Assisted pull-ups



neutral grip







Deep squats with 45lb plate


Dumbbell bench press






That did it for me,  I was done.  Time to head home, grocery shop on the way and continue my evening.

Food today was all the usual stuff.  I totalled 2,226 calories for the day.  I did a great weights workout today so I am looking forward to seeing the scale.  I hope to be 2 lbs back down.

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