Week 5 Day 3

Not a bad day at all.   I went to the gym this morning to do my thing like I normally would.  I hopped on the scale to see where I was at and BAM!

I am now officially 20 pounds down and 1/5 my way to losing 100 pounds.  I feel good.  That put me in the right frame of mind to get on the elliptical machine and get sweating.    I did 25 minutes on the elliptical, 15 minutes walking on the treadmill at 5% incline at 3.3 mph  and then back on the elliptical for another 15 minutes.  That gave me 55 minutes of cardio and it was time to get out of there and get ready for work.

I did well eating all day.  I was off site today and had temptaions of Roy Rogers for lunch with the boss.  I took an apple in with me and enjoyed my Gala while he ate his order.  I waited until a little later to have my stir fry veggies with filet mingon.  I even enjoyed a yogurt after my main meal.

Being off site today gave me a window into my future.  Looks like I may be heading to the new location for an extended time and that will change my exercise routine drasticly.  My am cardio can get moved to Bally’s since the open at 5 am.  That should give me enough time to clean up and get to wirk and have a quick breakfast in my car before work.  Gone is the chance for hot oatmeal or heating frozen sausages.  That is a bummer for sure.   I can deal with eating cold meals.   My afternoon weight lifting is what may really suffer.  I have to pay for parking at Bally’s which is 2 dollars.  Not a big expense but it would be doubled if I do my lifting there after work.  I also have to conside my potential new location is further from my house and will cost more to drive to each day, and gas prices are skyrocketing!  The extra money  for the gym twice a day may be too rich for my liking.   I have the basics to do a good garage workout.  I have a straight bar with plates, a power tower (though I can’t do pull-ups or dips yet) an exercise bike that does upper body as well and a lat machine so I can do pull downs/LATS, triceps pull downs, and curls.  My bench is in my neighbors basement and I could get it back if I need it.  This afternoon I tested what I can do at home.  I did squats using the dip station as my starting point (kept weights light), ground to overhead presses, military presses, lateral rows, and  curls.  It was a fair to good workout.  I can still add deadlifts to the mix when needed.  I atleast know I have a good reference point for home lifting now.


70lbs 5,5

120lbs 5,5,5

ground to over head press


military presses

90lbs- 8,8,8

Lateral rows


I am running late on the day,  I still need to shower, cook diner and get some rest!

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