Week 4 Day 1

Being today is Monday that means a new week started.  That also means weigh-in and pictures.   My cell phone pictures are looking worse to me so it might be time to start using a real digital camera.   As I weighed in I was disappointed to see I am up 1.2 pounds.  Not what I wanted to see but I do understand.  I did eat out for 2 meals on Saturday and then on Sunday I finished my wife’s leftovers from Saturday.   Bundle that with a rest day on Sunday and there it is I gained a little over a pound.

I don’t see progress yet but I expect I need to drop atleast another 15 pounds for it to be noticeable.  I think once I am at 50 pounds down there will be a big difference in my profile view.

This Morning I started the day with 50 minutes of cardio.  I ate well keeping my calories where they should be.

Breakfast                      424 calories

Morning snack             318 cal

Lunch                            628 cal

afternoon   snack         164 cal

evening snack              130 cal

dinner                           631 cal

That gives me a total of 2296 calories for the day.  Once you subtract out my workouts I am right where I need to be.    This afternoon workout started with 15 minutes of walking at 5 % incline at 3.3 miles per hour.   After that warn up I started a 5X5 workout.    Today was squats, dumbbell bench press and bent over rows.  5 sets each.  My legs are really feeling the squats.   I can’t wait to see how I feel tomorrow.   I plan to follow this 5×5 lifting only 3 days a week.  I will do additional cardio on the afternoons that I am not lifting.  I plan to follow this for at least 4 weeks.   Something new to shock the body some.

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